YUCHAI YCD4J22T-125 engine provides strong power, large low-speed torque, excellent fuel economy, meets environmental emission standards, and operates stably and reliably. It has a compact design and strong adaptability to meet the needs of complex working conditions. It is easy to maintain, has durable parts, and reduces the cost of use. It is an ideal power choice for high-performance Telescopic Handlers.
Strong stability ensures that the vehicle can operate safely in complex terrain; exquisite design, easy operation, and improved work efficiency; adaptable to a variety of vehicle models to meet diverse construction needs, it is your right-hand man in the industrial and construction fields.
The smart screen integrates multiple key vehicle information display functions, such as the speedometer, tachometer and fuel gauge, so that the driver can see the real-time status of the vehicle at a glance. At the same time, the blue text prompt "Working Normally" ensures that the driver knows that the system is operating normally, which improves the sense of driving safety. The control buttons and knobs below the screen make it more convenient and efficient to adjust the vehicle functions, improving work efficiency. Overall, this smart screen brings a more intelligent and efficient driving experience to the forklift.
The smart screen integrates multiple key vehicle information display functions, such as the speedometer, tachometer and fuel gauge, so that the driver can see the real-time status of the vehicle at a glance. At the same time, the blue text prompt "Working Normally" ensures that the driver knows that the system is operating normally, which improves the sense of driving safety. The control buttons and knobs below the screen make it more convenient and efficient to adjust the vehicle functions, improving work efficiency. Overall, this smart screen brings a more intelligent and efficient driving experience to the forklift.
The fully enclosed cab has good sound insulation and is combined with circulating air conditioning to provide a comfortable driving environment. The cab is equipped with electronic display screens, adjustable seats, shock absorption and buffering functions to reduce driver fatigue.
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