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Electric forklift RF30E

Electric forklift RF30E

Electric forklift RF30E

The all-AC system utilizes advanced AC drive motors and AC hydraulic motorto achieve high performance at a low cost. AC motors do not require motorbrushes or containers to be inspected or replaced, which greatly reducesoverall routine maintenance costs, AC motors also provide high operatingeffciency, long operating life, and longer operating time compared to traditionalDC motors. The forklift’s power saving features increase the forklift’s ability tooperate longer without reducing productivity or performance.

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Miniescavatore-caricatore cinese-Rippa Forklift-Rippa Group
  • Dimostrazione video
    • Rated load:3000kg
    • Altezza massima di sollevamento: 3000 mm
    • Full lengthwithout fork:2700mm
    • Load center distance:500mm

    Battery wiringharness thickened

    It can effectively reduce the resistanceof the wire, thereby reducing energyloss, improving current transmissionefficiency, and ensuring more stablepower output. The heat generatedwhen the current passes through thewiring harness is reduced, avoidingoverheating and extending the servicelife of the wiring harness and battery.

    Battery wiringharness thickened
    Side scroll wheel

    Side scroll wheel

    RF30E adopts independent side roller design, making it more stable and reliable during operation. This design makes the door frame gap smaller, effectively reducing the wear of the door frame, thereby extending the service life of the equipment. At the same time, this structure can ensure that the door frame can remain stable after long-term use, and will not shake due to wear or looseness, improving the smoothness and safety of the overall operation. In addition, this structure can also keep the door frame stable for a long time, and it will not shake due to wear or looseness even after long-term high-intensity use. This optimization not only improves the smoothness of the equipment's operation, but also enhances the safety of the operation, allowing operators to work in a more reliable environment.

    Luxury LCD instrument

    The RF30 smart display can intuitively display the battery power, reminding you to charge in time to avoid affecting work progress due to low power. At the same time, it can monitor the driving speed to ensure that the forklift operates within a safe range. When the equipment fails, the system will automatically display the error code, which is convenient for quick troubleshooting and repair, reducing downtime.

    Luxury LCD instrument

    Luxury LCD instrument

    The RF30 smart display can intuitively display the battery power, reminding you to charge in time to avoid affecting work progress due to low power. At the same time, it can monitor the driving speed to ensure that the forklift operates within a safe range. When the equipment fails, the system will automatically display the error code, which is convenient for quick troubleshooting and repair, reducing downtime.

    Battery wiringharness thickened

    Semi-wrapped seatimproves operatorcomfort

    RF30E excels in ergonomic design, especially in terms of operating comfort and safety. Its excellent anti-vibration performance can effectively reduce the impact of vibration on the operator, reduce physical fatigue and stress caused by long-term operation, and improve work efficiency.




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    Ho conosciuto Rippa da due anni fa e da allora ogni acquisto è stato un piacere. I prodotti Rippa sono di qualità eccellente, i nostri clienti sono molto soddisfatti e continuano a tornare e le macchine Rippa sono una grande risorsa per la nostra attività. Sono molto grato a per avermi aiutato a trovare un partner di cui fidarmi!




    Ho conosciuto Rippa su due anni fa e da allora ogni acquisto è stato un piacere. Il sito web mi ha fornito tutte le informazioni di cui avevo bisogno per iniziare e la qualità dei prodotti Rippa ci fa tornare. I nostri clienti sono molto soddisfatti e le macchine Rippa'sono una grande risorsa per la nostra azienda. Sono grato a per avermi aiutato a trovare un partner di cui fidarmi!



    S***r ha fornito uno sguardo approfondito sull'esperienza di rippa e sulla configurazione della fabbrica, che mi ha convinto a provare i suoi macchinari. i loro macchinari.




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    Miniescavatore-caricatore cinese-Rippa Forklift-Rippa Group Miniescavatore-caricatore cinese-Rippa Forklift-Rippa Group