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Bager nakladalec R920E

Bager nakladalec R920E

Bager nakladalec R920E

The R920E backhoe loader is an ideal choice for export trade with its powerful performance, efficient working capacity, stable and reliable structural design, comfortable driving experience, convenient operating system, flexible configuration options, and excellent durability and adaptability.

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Kitajski mini bager-nakladalnik-Rippa viličar-Rippa Group
  • Video predstavitev
    • Skupna obratovalna teža :5500Kg
    • Model :UNNEI YN33GBZ
    • Največ. Globina kopanja :2500mm
    • Višina odlaganja vedra :3200mm

    High performance and economical

    By properly configuring the power system and optimizing power transmission, the R920 can complete various tasks at lower horsepower, ensuring the machine's adaptability and stability under different working conditions. This design helps reduce impact on the ground and surrounding environment, reduces damage to surfaces, extends the life of the project, and reduces repair and resurfacing costs. With efficient energy utilization, the fuel consumption of the R920 loader is significantly lower than similar products, reducing fuel costs per hour of operation, thereby improving overall economic benefits. .

    High performance and economical
    Steering aids

    Steering aids

    The steering wheel design of the R920E backhoe loader has been carefully optimized, and steering aids have been added to make the driver more flexible during operation. This improvement significantly improves driving accuracy and helps operators quickly adapt to various operating needs in complex working environments. Whether it is steering in a small space or adjusting on rough terrain, steering aids can provide a better sense of control, reduce fatigue, and thus improve overall work efficiency.

    Comfortable cab

    The cab design of the R920E backhoe loader focuses on the comfort and safety of the operator. The spacious cab provides the operator with enough space for activities, so that the operator does not feel constrained during long hours of operation. The heating and cooling air conditioning system ensures that the operator can enjoy a comfortable environment whether in cold winter or hot summer. This system effectively maintains the temperature in the cab, making work more efficient.

    Comfortable cab

    Comfortable cab

    The cab design of the R920E backhoe loader focuses on the comfort and safety of the operator. The spacious cab provides the operator with enough space for activities, so that the operator does not feel constrained during long hours of operation. The heating and cooling air conditioning system ensures that the operator can enjoy a comfortable environment whether in cold winter or hot summer. This system effectively maintains the temperature in the cab, making work more efficient.

    High performance and economical

    Hydraulic oil pipe

    The hydraulic oil pipe is made of high-quality, high-strength materials, which can withstand high pressure and ensure the stable flow of hydraulic oil in the system. The surface of the oil pipe has been specially treated to have good wear and corrosion resistance, adapt to harsh working environments, and reduce the occurrence of failures.




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    Rippa's poprodajne storitve je prvi razred. Vse težave, ki sem jih imel, so bile obravnavane hitro in strokovno. Njihova ekipa za podporo je resnično izjemna.




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    Storitve in podpora
    Kitajski mini bager-nakladalnik-Rippa viličar-Rippa Group WhatsApp
    Kitajski mini bager-nakladalnik-Rippa viličar-Rippa Group Kitajski mini bager-nakladalnik-Rippa viličar-Rippa Group