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RL06 Wheel Loader

RL06 Wheel Loader

RL06 Wheel Loader


The advantages of RIPPA RL06 loader in terms of efficiency, cost, versatility, ease of use, durability and environmental protection help attract potential customers in export trade.

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Kinesisk minigraver-laster-Rippa gaffeltruck-Rippa Group
  • Videodemonstrasjon
    • Total weight:1700kg
    • Nominell skuffekapasitet : 0,6 m³
    • Engine brand: Perkins
    • Output power:18.2kw

    Utmerket grunnleggende ytelse

    The RL06 loader adopts a high-efficiency design. The engine is equipped with a turbocharger and complies with EuroV/EPV4 emission standards. It is both efficient and environmentally friendly, with an excellent lifting weight to power ratio and low fuel consumption, making operation more economical. The overall design focuses on energy conservation and emission reduction, helping users reduce the impact on the environment.

    Utmerket grunnleggende ytelse
    Articulated structure

    Articulated structure

    The articulated frame provides better maneuverability and steering flexibility, and is particularly suitable for working in confined spaces. Secondly, the articulated structure reduces friction between the tires and the ground, extending tire life and reducing maintenance costs. Its sturdy and durable design ensures the stability of the vehicle under heavy loads and uneven terrain, and improves the durability and safety of the equipment. This structural design helps the Rippa loader perform well in a variety of working conditions and has the ability to work efficiently.

    Oil pipe quick-change connector

    It realizes fast and safe hydraulic pipe connection, which can be easily operated without tools, significantly reducing downtime and improving work efficiency. Secondly, the fittings are made of high-quality sealing materials to ensure that the hydraulic system is leak-free and extend the service life of the equipment. At the same time, the quick-change fittings are compact in design, save space, and are easy to maintain, suitable for various working environments. In addition, it has high corrosion resistance and wear resistance, which enhances the reliability and durability of the system and meets the user's needs for efficient and stable work.

    Oil pipe quick-change connector

    Oil pipe quick-change connector

    It realizes fast and safe hydraulic pipe connection, which can be easily operated without tools, significantly reducing downtime and improving work efficiency. Secondly, the fittings are made of high-quality sealing materials to ensure that the hydraulic system is leak-free and extend the service life of the equipment. At the same time, the quick-change fittings are compact in design, save space, and are easy to maintain, suitable for various working environments. In addition, it has high corrosion resistance and wear resistance, which enhances the reliability and durability of the system and meets the user's needs for efficient and stable work.

    Utmerket grunnleggende ytelse

    steering wheel

    The steering wheel has sensitive response capabilities, ensuring precise operation in complex terrain and small spaces, improving work efficiency. It conforms to ergonomic principles and is comfortable to operate for a long time, reducing driver fatigue. Made of high-quality and durable materials, it has a good grip and can maintain reliable performance in a variety of working environments.




    Da vi oppdaget Rippa på, forandret det virksomheten vår. Den detaljerte informasjonen om produktene deres overbeviste meg om å velge Rippa, og maskinene deres overgikk forventningene våre. Alle maskinene går problemfritt, håndterer tøffe jobber med letthet og er svært brukervennlige. Rippas kvalitet og ytelse er uovertruffen, og jeg er glad for at ledet meg til dem.




    Jeg fikk vite om Rippa fra for to år siden, og hvert eneste kjøp siden da har vært en fornøyelse. Rippa-produktene er av utmerket kvalitet, kundene våre er svært fornøyde og kommer stadig tilbake for mer, og Rippa-maskinene er en stor ressurs for virksomheten vår. Jeg er veldig takknemlig for at har hjulpet meg med å finne en partner jeg kan stole på!




    Jeg fikk vite om Rippa fra for to år siden, og hvert eneste kjøp siden har vært en fornøyelse. Nettstedet ga meg all den informasjonen jeg trengte for å komme i gang, og kvaliteten på Rippa-produktene gjør at vi stadig kommer tilbake. Kundene våre er veldig fornøyde, og Rippa & #039; s maskiner er en stor ressurs for vår virksomhet. Jeg er takknemlig for at hjalp meg med å finne en partner jeg kan stole på!



    S***r ga en grundig innføring i rippas ekspertise og fabrikkoppsett, noe som overbeviste meg om å prøve maskineriet deres.




    Rippa' s ettersalgsservice er førsteklasses. Alle problemer jeg har hatt har blitt løst raskt og profesjonelt. Supportteamet deres er virkelig enestående.




    Jeg har jobbet med Rippa i mange år, og gravemaskinene de produserer er holdbare og effektive og oppfyller kundenes behov. Jeg anbefaler på det sterkeste at du sjekker ut hele produktutvalget deres.

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    Kinesisk minigraver-laster-Rippa gaffeltruck-Rippa Group Kinesisk minigraver-laster-Rippa gaffeltruck-Rippa Group